Thursday, February 11, 2010

Why I'm so behind on blog posts

On December 28, after a whirlwind of fabulously fun holiday events, Josh and I learned that Joel would be born a week early by way of a c-section, scheduled for January 25. From that point on, I was in full nesting gear, unable to concentrate on items not on my "Nesting List", which was prominently posted on my refrigerator. The good news: I finished my "list" before January 25. The bad news: updating my blog got shoved off the list when I realized I had too many other items on my list. So now, I will begin to try to catch up on blog posts, but it might take a while, because on most days, naps trump the blog.


... said...

Oh my gosh! That last picture is awesome. Lydia's expression is priceless. And I kind of miss your belly. Is that wrong?

cass said...

it's kind of funny that you didn't include joel outside of the womb in these photos.