Monday, July 28, 2008

What Lydie is up to now

Recently, Lydia has been grabbing on to her own fingers. Sometimes I think it looks like she is praying.
I added this photo because I like it. I'm not sure it's the best picture, but when I took it, Lydia was smiling and cooing and moving her arms around excitiedly. Maybe it's the memory of this picture that I love so much.

Sitting at the Big Kid Table

Lydia has been accustomed to sitting in her swing while mom and dad eat dinner. Yet, recently, Lydia has decided she wants to sit at the big kid table. So, we pulled out her high chair, and now Lydia feels better knowing that she is not missing anything.

Even though Lydia is sitting at the big kid table, she's still not old enough to eat big kid food. However, she has been trying the "Elephant Stew" recipe that her mom got from Great Granny! :)

Daddy's Nike's

A few weeks ago, Josh's mom brought over his first pair of little Nike's. We had them sitting in the family room, and Lydia decided to try them on.

They're a little big, and Lydia said she'd rather have a pair of Ked's (stay tuned...)

First trip to Dayton

About a week ago, Lydia (and her family) went to Dayton to visit Harper (and his family). I can't believe they are both 3 months old now!

The mom's wanted to get in the picture, too!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

New Trick

On Sunday, July 5 as we drove back from Ocean Isle Beach, Lydia intentionally used her fist to hit her lion toy for the first time! Ever since then, Lydia has practiced using her fist to hit other toys as well. This past Sunday while at church, Lydia opened her fist and grabbed her lion toy! I almost interrupted the pastor to tell the whole church of Lydia's new trick, but I refrained. Most of the time, Lydia still uses her closed fist to hit things, but she is practicing open-handed grabs more and more each day. Here is a video of a closed fisted hit. It's a little long, but greatness cannot be rushed.

Happy Birthday Dad!

July 9th was Josh's birthday. We went to Newport with his family and had a wonderful dinner at Mitchelle's. Dad got a delicious birthday treat for dessert, which he was kind enough to share with everyone.
After dinner, we went for a stroll across the Purple People Bridge to show Lydia were her mom and dad got engaged.
Lydia walked around with Aunt Krissy for a bit. They found a purple flower that matched Lydia's dress perfectly!

Uncle Zak and Aunt Krissy pointed out some of the sights from the bridge...

...and then Lydia decided to get a better look at the sights by going for a quick flight around Newport.

We ended the night with a picture of Lydia against the Cincinnati skyline.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Chatter Box

Lydia has become quite talkative lately. We LOVE it!!!

Fourth of July

Lydia was at Ocean Isle Beach for her first 4th of July. While she didn't see any fireworks, she did look cute wearing red, white and blue.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Ocean Isle Beach

Last week Lydia went on her first vacation to Ocean Isle Beach. While on vacation, Lydia hung out at the beach...

practiced flying...

relaxed in her swing...

played ball...
went on a beach walk with her family...
and helped her dad beat her mom in cards.
Lydia was also able to meet her family from Georgia. In this picture, Lydia is meeting her cousin, Harper, for the first time. Harper was born in January, and so they are just a few months apart.
Here are more pictures of Lydia and Harper hanging out together.

They tried to hold hands, but Harper didn't understand why she couldn't put Lydia's hand in her mouth.

Here is a picture of Lydia with her cousin, John Daniel.
These are Lydia's cousins, Savannah and Landrey.
This is Lydia's great Aunt Becky.

G'mama and Papa Mike helped watch the babies so that the big kids could play, too.

Lydia had a wonderful time on vacation. While she has enjoyed sleeping in her own crib again, she misses having all the family around who quickly attended to her every grunt and groan.

No man needs a vacation so much as the person who has just had one. ~Elbert Hubbard