Joel's entrance into this world was much different for me than Lydia's entrance into the world. I delivered Lydia naturally, the old fashion way. I waited day after day for her to decide to make her debut. She ended up being a week late. Intense labor started around 8AM. The car ride to the hospital seemed to take forever and was super uncomfortable. Checking in to triage seemed impossible with all the questions. And then, finally around 4PM, Lydia arrived!
But with Joel, we woke up like any other morning - except it was a little unusually early for us (6AM), and I didn't get to eat breakfast. We arrived at the hospital at 7:30, comfortably walked up to triage to answer all their questions, understandably waited while the nurses attended to mothers who were in more immediate circumstances than us, went into the operating room nervously, but without pain, around 10:15, and then the next thing I knew, there he was... handsome little Joel!
Recovery was definitely much more difficult for me with Joel than with Lydia.
And changing Joel's diapers were much trickier than changing Lydia's.

But, we all made it, and now we can't imagine life without smiley, precious little Joel.