Thursday, May 21, 2009

Making Mother's Day Cards

Happy Birthday Lydia and Uncle Zak!

My family threw a birthday party for me...

and Uncle Zak!

But, let's face it, when it's your very first birthday party, it's hard to share the attention.

So, we surprised Uncle Zak with a little party of his own... well, it was a surprise, until mom spilled the beans! Way to go mom! Oh well, it was still fun!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Our little Dave Brubeck

Thanks, Aunt Cass, for capturing this awesome video!

Birthday gifts for Lydia

For Lydia's first birthday, her Dad put together this video of her various stages of learning how to walk (with a little help from Uncle Zak). It's amazing to watch her grow and learn so much in just a few months. Josh did an awesome job!

Lydia also received another special video for her first birthday. This one is so very special because it is set to the song that her Aunt Krissy and Uncle Zak wrote for her! The lyrics capture so many of Lydia's characteristics ~ it's fabulous! I choke up every time I listen/watch.