Thursday, April 30, 2009

Butterfly Show 2009

Last week, my mom had the fun idea to take Lydia to the Butterfly Show at the Krohn Conservatory. This year they are featuring butterflies from India.

Maybe it was just me, but the colors of the flowers and butterflies this year seemed especially bright and vibrant. It was beautiful.

I think Lydia noticed a butterfly or two while we were there, but she was much more interested in sticking her tiny fingers in the little waterfall and walking up and down the metal ramp which made a fun noise if you stomped your feet.

"G'mama, look at that waterfall!"

"I want to stick my fingers in that waterfall!"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Birthday Girl

Dear Lydia,
I've come to realize that all parents say this, but they all say it because it is so very true - I can't believe you are a year old! Time is flying by! When I think back over the year, I am amazed at how much you have changed.

On April 27, 2008, you were so tiny and delicate. You needed help learning how to eat. You needed help holding your head. If you were awake, some part of you was always moving - your fingers, your toes, your arms, your legs.

By the time three months had passed, you had become a champion eater. You liked to play with the hair on the top of your head, especially while nursing. Your neck muscles grew strong and you held up your neck by yourself. Yet, you were never a fan of tummy time. I think it's because you couldn't see everything as well when you were on your tummy. You have always wanted to know everything that is happening, determined not to miss a single detail.

At six months, you were sitting up on your own, pulling off your socks, and beginning to eat solid food. You enjoyed riding in your stroller and swinging at the park. Watching daddy play his guitar always made you happy and filled you with intrigue.

By the time you were nine months old, you learned to clap, to play pat-a-cake, to wave, and you began to love trying to walk. You were happiest when you were on your feet, and it never mattered how many times you fell down, you always wanted to get right back up.

Now you are walking all over the place. Sometimes, it seems as though you are about to start running! It doesn't matter if you are sitting down or laying on your tummy, you can get to your feet all by yourself from any position. You enjoy reading books, especially The Itsy Bitsy Spider. You shake your hips and dance whenever you hear music. You tell us when your hungry, thirsty, and when you want more. You say "Dada" most frequently, sometimes you say "mama", and your first word was "dog". You like to point to things with your finger, and you smile and laugh when we play peek-a-boo. One of my favorite things you do now is give kisses and hugs.

Little Lydia, you are so much fun to be around. I thank God every day for the blessing to be able to stay home with you and watch you grow into a beautiful little person.

Happy Birthday my little one-year-old! I love you more than words can say!

Lydia's new favorite food



When I was child, Easter was a basket of goodies from a bunny, going to church, and searching for eggs with coins inside.
As a young adult, Easter was remembering that Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins so that I can spend eternal life with Him.

As a mom, Easter was realizing that God sent His son to die for us, because it would have been easier to die Himself. But, that is how much He loves us! Amazing!

Cute as a lion cub

I'm having a little trouble deciding who looks cuter in this lion towel.


or Lydia?
I think it's a tie!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Our little bunny

Last week Great-Grandpa Don and Great-Grandma Phyllis gave Lydia her first pair of bunny ears. I think they look especially adorable on her!

I put them on her...

and then she decided she could put them on herself! Such a big girl!

This picture is my favorite!

Bunny Basket

This year as I got out some of our little Easter decorations, I found a little purple bunny basket that Lydia received last year while still in utero. I never imagined last year that this year Lydia would be walking/trying to run around the house with it, and yet here are the pictures to prove it:

Monday, April 6, 2009

Yep, it's Monday!

Here is Lydia with the second victim. Luckily, Mom stepped in and saved Tigger's life.

I think Lydia's face says, "But, Mom, why can't I put my toys in the toilet?"