The Girls Varsity Soccer Team at Wyoming High School had an amazing season this year. We are especially proud of Aunt Olivia for her hard work on the field, and for her awesome academic performance during the season! Way to go Aunt Livi! We love you!
This year for Halloween, Lydia was an adorable little bumble bee, and Josh was an adorable Frankenstein. At first, Lydia was not sure about the Frankenstein mask, but Josh repeatedly showed her it was just daddy. The rest of the night (and the next morning), Lydia pointed to Josh's mask and said "Dada". We had a wonderful time showing off our little bumble bee to some of our neighbors. Then Lydia helped pass out candy to the other children from our neighborhood, while Josh tried to scare some of the older children from our street. He was really great with the younger children - when he saw them coming, he immediately took off his mask and showed off his friendly, big guy smile. We all had a really fun Halloween!
So, on Friday, I was doing some cleaning, and little Lydia, being the good little helper that she is, decided she also needed a cleaning rag. I started doing something, and then I turned around to find Lydia looking like this... she was playing with her blocks. So, maybe she has decided she does like to wear things on her head. I'm going to have to find her some cute hats for this winter!
Lydia does not like to have anything on her head. She persistently takes off hats and hoods. She most definitely will not wear head bands. We use hair rubber bands to make her a pony tail every day, because she doesn't think twice about ripping out a bow or barrette, no matter how tightly it tries to hang on to her hair on the way out. Yet, this week, she found my ear warmer, put it on, and wore it around the house for a bit. It would be great if she kept up this behavior for the winter. We'll see, but I'm not betting any money on it. She was so super cute while it lasted though.