Before Lydia was born, I bought these outfits for her. The one on the right is size "newborn". I bought this one first knowing that I wanted to bring her home from the hospital in this adorable, yet comfy, little outfit. The one on the left is size "6 months". I found this outfit on sale at TJMax for just a few dollars, and although it's the exact same outfit that I had already bought for her, I justified my purchase because of the bigger size (and of course the price!). I packed the outfit on the right in our suitcase to take to the hospital, and I hung the outfit on the left in Lydia's closet, thinking that it seemed so big, I didn't know how she would ever fit into it.

Lydia arrived a week past her due date on April 27. She was 7lb 15.8 oz and 21 inches long. She was so fragile and delicate, and the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. I couldn't believe we had a little baby girl. I was overwhelmed by all the information I received from the countless hospital staff, and I remember joyfully, yet anxiously, bringing little Lydia home in her new red outfit, hoping that I would remember all the right things to do to keep her healthy and as happy as her parents.
Fast forward 6 months...

It seemed as though Lydia grew out of her little newborn outfit the moment I took it off of her. All of the sudden, she was wearing her six month outfit. And then, as Lydia approached her half birthday, I realized that the outfit I thought was so big she'd never fit into it was now too small! All day I kept trying to pull down her pants legs as I was in denial that my little baby was growing up. Knowing it would be the last time Lydia would wear this cute little red outfit, I took some photos of our baby that has changed so much in 6 months. Now she is 17 lb 11oz, 26 inches long, sitting up, rolling over, eating baby food, watching and exploring everything around her, and developing her own personality. All this rolled up into one little girl whom I love immensely.