Thursday, August 28, 2008
At work with Aunt Jill
A couple weeks ago, Lydia got to be her great Aunt Jills's first visitor at her new job. Lydia got to sit on Aunt Jill's desk...
and wear Aunt Jill's name badge!
After taking a little walking tour and hearing about how hard Aunt Jill works all day, Lydia was exhausted! So exahusted, that she fell asleep while sitting up in Aunt Jill's lap!
Nicole's Baby Shower
Earlier this month, we went to our cousin, Nicole's, baby shower. Here is Lydia with Nicole and Grandma.
Aunt Krissy was there, too.
She is so cool ~ she always lets Lydia play with her jewelry.
Aunt Teresa and Brandae were there as well.
Aunt Teresa let Lydia wear her sunglasses while she made her smile.
We can't wait for Lydia's new playmate to arrive in October!
Harper comes to visit
Harper came over with his mom and grandma for lunch.
Unfortunately for Harper, his mom sat him right next to Lydia, who likes to grab things now, including Harper's arm!
But, Harper didn't seem to mind. He rested his arm on Lydia's leg, and it looks like he's about to shake hands with his mom.

In this picture, Harper and Lydia seem to both be thinking, "Our moms are crazy!"
G'mama and Aunt Cass came over for lunch, too!
We had lots of fun, and of course, took lots of pictures!
Unfortunately for Harper, his mom sat him right next to Lydia, who likes to grab things now, including Harper's arm!
In this picture, Harper and Lydia seem to both be thinking, "Our moms are crazy!"
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Afternoon at the park
Last week, Lydia decided to go out with her mom and Aunt Cassie and enjoy the beautiful summer weather at Glenwood Gardens.
Grandpa Don's Birthday
At the beginning of August, we celebrated Great Grandpa Don's 79th birthday!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Aunt Cassie's Birthday!
On July 28, we celebrated Aunt Cassie's birthday by picking her up from work and taking her to lunch. G'mama and our friends Doug and Laura went, too.
This motorcycle was parked in front of the restaurant we ate at, so we decided to get our picture with it. Unfortunately, Lydia sneezed right as G'mama clicked the picture.
Lydia wore the dress that Julia got for her, because we wished Julia had been here to celebrate with us, too!

Later that night, we grilled pork chops for dinner and ate peach cobbler for desert ~ it was deeelicious!
Lydia was looking adorable ~ as always!
We ended the wonderful evening with the High School Musical wildcats dance. We still need some work getting the moves synchronized, but we had tons of fun anyway!
Lydia's Keds
First trip to the airport

On July 24, Lydia went to the airport for the first time to pick up Aunt Cassie. She had just gotten back from a trip to England. We're glad she's back, because we missed her terribly!
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