Monday, August 31, 2009

Summer Trips to the Zoo

Grandpa Don and Grandma Phyllis were generous enough to get us a zoo pass last Christmas. It has been such a wonderful gift that we have utilized many, many times this summer!
Here we are one our first trip to the zoo back in April.

In May, we went with Harper and Elise. Here is Harper enjoying the train ride as much as Lydia does!
We went to the zoo with G'mama on a cool morning in June - it was perfect!

Then, we went with Aunt CC on one of the hottest days in June ~ but we still had a blast!

We celebrated Aunt Cassie's birthday at the zoo in July, and Aunt Olivia came, too!

In August, Grandma Phyllis went to the zoo with us!

We hope that Daddy will be able to enjoy the zoo with us soon. We are looking forward to more zoo trips this fall, and we are looking forward to the cooler weather! Thanks again Grandpa Don and Grandma Phyllis!

1 comment:

cassie said...

dear jessie, tonight i'm going to break out the camera so you'll have some new footage to add to your blog. i have nothing to do at work since you abandoned your blog. it's time!